
Programme for Sustainable Economic Development

Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) form the backbone of the Ghanaian economy. They make up about 85% of the enterprises nonetheless more than half of them consider the lack of access to finance as the biggest obstacle to their business growth.

In view of this hampered development, AFC started implementing three new projects in fall this year that aim to promote financial sector soundness and access to financial services by individuals.

Project to Support the Improvement of the Competitiveness of the Pineapple Sector in Togo (PROCAT) - Phase II

Togo's agricultural sector is poorly developed. The agricultural productivity of the country is low, market access inadequate and the rural population persists in traditional behaviour patterns. In addition to primary producers, there are only a few smaller artisanal agricultural processing enterprises in rural areas. In the primary production, there are small enterprises and production groups. Women are particularly disadvantaged in their productive role.

Consulting Services for Strengthening the Global Crop Diversity Trust Capacity to Implement Project Activities in Africa

The Capitalisation of the Endowment Fund of the Global Crop Diversity Trust (GCDT) and Strengthening of National Seedbanks project aims to empower national seed collections, by safeguarding them in perpetuity through and endowment fund, documenting and managing them appropriately for conservation and use, and promoting their use, as a basis for climate adaptation of vulnerable African cropping systems. The project is supported by the Federal Republic of Germany through KfW and is conducted in Ethiopia, Kenya, Zambia, Ghana and Nigeria.

Supporting value chains for shared prosperity - Agri-connect Programme

The overall objective of the Programme 'Agri-connect: Supporting value chains for shared prosperity' is to contribute to inclusive economic growth, promote private sector development and job creation in the agricultural sector and to increase food and nutrition security in Tanzania, by promoting the productivity, commercialization and competitiveness of the tea, coffee and horticulture sectors.

Internationale Junior-Expert*in für die Produzenten-Abnehmer Schnittstelle

Ghana gehört der Gruppe der Länder mit niedrigem mittlerem Einkommen an. Im letzten Jahrzehnt verzeichnete das Land ein stabiles wirtschaftliches Wachstum, mit dem eine Reduzierung der Armutsrate einherging. 2016 lebten etwa 13 % der Bevölkerung von weniger als 1,90 USD pro Tag. Es wird damit gerechnet, dass infolge der Corona-Krise zusätzlich 3,8 Millionen Menschen zumindest vorübergehend in Armut fallen werden.

Regional/ Local renewable energy expert_Capacity Development for Local Financiers in Rwanda

Mobilising private investments in decentralised renewable energy is key for realising the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement. Also, lowering barriers for financing for renewable energy is an important steppingstone to build back better after the current COVID-19 crisis. RE technologies have become increasingly commercially viable and are the least expensive and most feasible option to provide millions of people with clean and affordable energy.

Team Leader_Capacity Development for Local Financiers in Rwanda

Mobilising private investments in decentralised renewable energy is key for realising the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement. Also, lowering barriers for financing for renewable energy is an important steppingstone to build back better after the current COVID-19 crisis. RE technologies have become increasingly commercially viable and are the least expensive and most feasible option to provide millions of people with clean and affordable energy.

Conseiller Principal (H/F)_ Appui dans la mise l’échelle de SME Loop au Burkina Faso

En Afrique de l’Ouest, le Burkina Faso fait partie des pays sélectionnés pour la mise en oeuvre du Projet Centres  d’Innovations Vertes (ProCIV) qui intervient dans les régions des Hauts-Bassins, des Cascades, de la Boucle du Mouhoun et du Sud-Ouest, principalement dans les Chaines de Valeurs (CVA) sésame et riz.


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