FK 2 Senior Expert Finance and Procurement Sierra Leone
FK1 Teamleitung Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone ist eines der am wenigsten entwickelten Länder der Welt. Der Human Development Index 2019 weist Sierra Leone den Rang 181 von 189 Ländern zu. Die Armut nimmt zwar ab, bleibt aber mit 52 % (2018) sehr hoch, wobei mehr als 10 % sogar in
extremer Armut leben.
Ethiopia_Promotion of Agricultural Growth and Productivity through Strengthening Rural Value Chains
In its new Programme for the Promotion of Agricultural Growth and Productivity in Ethiopia, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development through GIZ and KfW intends to strengthen agricultural value chains based on small-scale agricultural production, including production and processing in the agricultural sector with the aim to improve agricultural productivity, income, and employment.
Ethiopia_Promotion of Agricultural Growth and Productivity through Strengthening Rural Value Chains
In its new Programme for the Promotion of Agricultural Growth and Productivity in Ethiopia, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development through GIZ and KfW intends to strengthen agricultural value chains based on small-scale agricultural production, including production and processing in the agricultural sector with the aim to improve agricultural productivity, income, and employment.
SADA Region_ Juniorfachkräfte für den Bereich CSR
In den aufstrebenden Ländern der SADA Region spielt der für Klimaänderungen anfällige Agrarsektor immer noch eine wichtige Rolle in der sozio-ökonomischen Entwicklung.
Niger_Assistance Technique principale SANAD I
L’objectif général du programme Contrat de Réforme Sectorielle "CRS-SANAD" (appui budgétaire de l’UE), est d’appuyer les efforts du gouvernement de la République du Niger, pour éradiquer la pauvreté, promouvoir une croissance durable et inclusive, consolider et améliorer la gouvernance démocratique et économique.
Senegal_Assistance technique à Invest for Jobs
Tâches de l'expert 2
Responsable l’Activité Principale 2 : Accompagner le développement d'une offre de conseil formalisée
aux entreprises agricoles et rurales et construire / renforcer les compétences dédiées à ces métiers :
• Développement des capacités de conseils technico-économique aux entrepreneurs individuels
et / ou aux groupes d’entreprise d’une même filière (riz, tomate, lait, etc.),
• Assistance et accompagnement dans les aspects organisationnels (y compris les aspects de
Roster for Agricultural finance experts in Nigeria
The agricultural sector plays a key role in the economic development of many African countries. However, farms and agri-based enterprises in rural areas in Africa are not very market-oriented and often have no access to adequate financial services which results in the lack of investments in agricultural production, processing and marketing. Farms and agri-based enterprises therefor have a very limited potential to contribute to the development of the rural economies.
Gender Expert(s)_Egypt_Green Economy Financing Facility in Egypt II
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the EBRD or the Bank) aims at addressing climate risks in Egypt by stablishing a Facility entitled Green Economy Financing Facility in Egypt II (“GEFF Egypt II” or “the Facility”).