
Programme d'appui structurant de développement pastoral (PASTOR)

Le Programme d'appui structurant de développement pastoral (Pastor) est financé conjointement par la Commission Européenne, l'Agence Française de Développement (AFD) et le gouvernement du Tchad. Le programme est structuré en une composante transversale «pilotage et dialogue» ainsi qu'en 3 autres composantes spécifiques à un pôle géographique du Tchad.

Drought Resilience in Northern Kenya (DRP)

Kenya’s agricultural sector has considerable potential for development. The adoption of sustainable land use methods and the implementation of urgently required investments can bring about a substantial increase in agricultural productivity. With irrigation and with complementary investments in transport and marketing, significant reserves can be mobilised in areas with high potential. Much of the pasture land in the arid and semi-arid areas has yet to be fully utilised, and much more agricultural land can be brought under irrigation.

Agricultural Financing Kenya

KfW is intending to set up an Agricultural Financing Project in Kenya to improve the access to adequate and sustainable agricultural financial services for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Kenya along the agricultural value chain. The Project is intended to contribute to the growth of investments by SMEs active in agricultural value chains. The Financial Contribution amount is foreseen to comprise separate funds for on-lending of the Project Executing Agency (PEA) to selected Partner Financial Institutions (PFIs).

Market Oriented Agriculture Programme (MOAP), Phases I-IV

The programme aims at enabling producers, processors, traders and exporters to increase production, processing, trading and exporting volumes and adjusting the quality of primary and processed produce to suit national and/or international market requirements. It furthermore advises the Ministry of Agriculture on the implementation of decentralised organisational reforms, improvement of service delivery, and private sector support. The following value chains are promoted: pineapple, citrus, mango and vegetables.

Togo_Förderung der Ländliche Entwicklung (Finanzdienstleistungen) ProDRA III

Die Agrarwirtschaft Togos ist wenig entwickelt. Die Produktivität landwirtschaftlicher Betriebe ist gering, die Marktanbindung unzureichend und die ländliche Bevölkerung verharrt in traditionellen Verhaltensmustern. Neben den Primärproduzenten gibt es im ländlichen Raum nur wenige kleinere handwerkliche Betriebe der Agrarverarbeitung. In der Primärproduktion handelt es sich um Kleinbetriebe und Produktionsgruppen. Frauen werden in ihrer produktiven Rolle besonders benachteiligt. Hinzu kommt die Landflucht, vor allem der männlichen Jugend.

Improving Framework Conditions for a competitive Private and Financial Sector – RAMOÇ II

The objective of the Project is to strengthen sustainable Banking Agent Networks in Mozambique and development of suitable financial products and services for MSME to be offered by selected partner commercial banks through Agent Networks.

The project provides technical advisory in the following three areas:

Area 1: Consolidation of business models and funding strategies of Banking Agent Networks:


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