La promotion de la chaîne de valeur en Tunisie pour l'exportation des produits agricoles
Tâches principales:
Tâches principales:
The Idea of the project is to give support in developing a market-oriented and environmentally sustainable beef meat industry. This is one of the focal areas envisaged as a way of promoting inclusive growth through value chain support under the 11th EDF national indicative programme.
The overall objective of the project of which this contract will be a part is as follows: to contribute to a competitive, profitable, job-intensive, gender-responsive and environmentally-sustainable agricultural sector in Uganda, in order to alleviate poverty and improve food and nutrition security.
Support in developing a market-oriented and environmentally sustainable beef meat industry is one of the focal areas envisaged as a way of promoting inclusive growth through value chain support under the 11th EDF national indicative programme. The technical assistance team is expected to offer advice to the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries who acts as the supervisor of the financing agreement.
Description du marché:
Les 3 régions nord de Madagascar (Diana, Sava et Analanjirofo) constituent une zone à fort potentiel agricole, industriel et touristique, qui bénéficie d'appuis en cours en termes de développement rural, y compris dans la réhabilitation d'infrastructures de désenclavement.
The Programme aims at increasing the employment and income situation of SMSEs in selected sectors.
The technical assistance focuses on improving the political and economic framework, the services for MSMEs and their management capacities. Services include:
The project's objective is to strengthen the food security of households in the area of intervention. Specifically, it seeks to increase production and agricultural productivity by the protection or rehabilitation of degraded land or land threatened by degradation.
Services to achieve this aim include:
GIZ-ACCRA will contribute towards the implementation of the climate-relevant elements of the SADC Regional Agricultural Policy (RAP). It operates in 2 action areas:
(1) Regional Knowledge Dissemination on Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA), and
Le présent marché porte sur l'assistance technique permanente, à moyen et à court terme d'un projet d’expertise technique complémentaire à un appui budgétaire au secteur de la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle et du développement agricole durable.
D'une durée de 55 mois, ce marché inclut des appuis dans des domaines variés: