
Cameroun_Assistance Technique en soutien des réformes du secteur rural

Les activités porteront sur le renforcement des capacités du MINADER (Ministère de l'Agriculture et du Développement Rural) et du MINEPIA (Ministère de l'Elevage, des Pêches et des Industries Animales) à concevoir et mettre en œuvre les réformes sectorielles (semences, engrais, services vétérinaires, vulgarisation/conseil agricole, recherche); du MINTP (Ministère des Travaux Publics) et MINATD (Ministère des Administrations Territoriales Décentralisés) pour la mise en œuvre de la réforme de la décentralisation avec un focus sur les routes rurales; du MINEPAT (Ministère de l'Economie, de la

Cameroun_Assistance Technique en soutien des réformes du secteur rural

Les activités porteront sur le renforcement des capacités du MINADER (Ministère de l'Agriculture et du Développement Rural) et du MINEPIA (Ministère de l'Elevage, des Pêches et des Industries Animales) à concevoir et mettre en œuvre les réformes sectorielles (semences, engrais, services vétérinaires, vulgarisation/conseil agricole, recherche); du MINTP (Ministère des Travaux Publics) et MINATD (Ministère des Administrations Territoriales Décentralisés) pour la mise en œuvre de la réforme de la décentralisation avec un focus sur les routes rurales; du MINEPAT (Ministère de l'Economie, de la

Cameroun_Assistance Technique en soutien des réformes du secteur rural

Les activités porteront sur le renforcement des capacités du MINADER (Ministère de l'Agriculture et du Développement Rural) et du MINEPIA (Ministère de l'Elevage, des Pêches et des Industries Animales) à concevoir et mettre en œuvre les réformes sectorielles (semences, engrais, services vétérinaires, vulgarisation/conseil agricole, recherche); du MINTP (Ministère des Travaux Publics) et MINATD (Ministère des Administrations Territoriales Décentralisés) pour la mise en œuvre de la réforme de la décentralisation avec un focus sur les routes rurales; du MINEPAT (Ministère de l'Economie, de la

Ghana_ Support the Implementation of Investment Promotion and Business linkages Activities in Ghana

Under the implementation of the above-referenced programme, the current assignment foresees to provide a technical assistance team (TAT) in support to the contracting authority i.e. the office of National Authorising Officer of the Ministry of Finance. The CSO-RISE programme aims to contribute to inclusive growth and reduction of social inequalities.

Ghana_ Support the Implementation of Investment Promotion and Business linkages Activities in Ghana

Under the implementation of the above-referenced programme, the current assignment foresees to provide a technical assistance team (TAT) in support to the contracting authority i.e. the office of National Authorising Officer of the Ministry of Finance. The CSO-RISE programme aims to contribute to inclusive growth and reduction of social inequalities.

Ghana_ Support the Implementation of Investment Promotion and Business linkages Activities in Ghana

Under the implementation of the above-referenced programme, the current assignment foresees to provide a technical assistance team (TAT) in support to the contracting authority i.e. the office of National Authorising Officer of the Ministry of Finance. The CSO-RISE programme aims to contribute to inclusive growth and reduction of social inequalities.

Ghana_ Support the Implementation of Investment Promotion and Business linkages Activities in Ghana

Under the implementation of the above-referenced programme, the current assignment foresees to provide a technical assistance team (TAT) in support to the contracting authority i.e. the office of National Authorising Officer of the Ministry of Finance. The CSO-RISE programme aims to contribute to inclusive growth and reduction of social inequalities.

Swaziland_Support for the High Value Crop and Horticulture Project (HVCHP)

The High Value Crop and Horticulture Project (HVCHP) seeks to increase the contribution of the agricultural sector to poverty reduction in Swaziland by creating pro-poor growth, securing livelihoods of small holder farmers by providing them marketing opportunities and providing locally produced diversified food on the market.

The aim is to maximise on the potentials such as favourable climate and good soils; the availability of surplus water and adequate land as well as an existing localised vegetable production.

The project seeks to achieve the following three results:

Swaziland_Support for the High Value Crop and Horticulture Project (HVCHP)

The High Value Crop and Horticulture Project (HVCHP) seeks to increase the contribution of the agricultural sector to poverty reduction in Swaziland by creating pro-poor growth, securing livelihoods of small holder farmers by providing them marketing opportunities and providing locally produced diversified food on the market.

The aim is to maximise on the potentials such as favourable climate and good soils; the availability of surplus water and adequate land as well as an existing localised vegetable production.

The project seeks to achieve the following three results:


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