Energy Efficiency in Georgia
The international consultant will be responsible for the technical specifications of the project and the development of feasible pilot projects up to implementation stage.
The international consultant will be responsible for the technical specifications of the project and the development of feasible pilot projects up to implementation stage.
The economy of Ukraine is characterized as very energy intensive. Furthermore, the district heating infrastructure and residential building sector consumes great amounts of natural gas for heating purposes due to a significant lack of energy efficiency standards. The resulting high level of energy consumption results in economic and social problems. Natural gas primarily has to be imported and is currently highly subsidized by the Ukrainian government.
The operation 'Activation of "Speciality foods cluster" in the south-eastern Anatolia Region' will contribute to progress on increasing the competitiveness of the south-eastern Anatolia Region in national and international markets.
The project will facilitate activation of a speciality food products cluster in the south-eastern Anatolia Region (GSFC).
In due course, the project, at hand, includes activities geared towards development of a portfolio of speciality food products, activation of the cluster and ensuring sustainability of the cluster initiative.
The operation 'Activation of "Speciality foods cluster" in the south-eastern Anatolia Region' will contribute to progress on increasing the competitiveness of the south-eastern Anatolia Region in national and international markets.
The project will facilitate activation of a speciality food products cluster in the south-eastern Anatolia Region (GSFC).
Promoting energy efficiency and reducing the demand for gas imports has become a key priority of the government of Ukraine. In the past months, BMUB and the Ukrainian Ministry of Regional Development have jointly developed a concept, called “Turning Subsidies into Investments” (S2I), with the aim to address structural investment barriers for scaling up energy efficiency and reducing gas consumption in buildings and the municipal heating infrastructure and thereby to tackle the huge investment lags (est. 40 bn.
The Deposit Guarantee Fund (“DGF” or the “Fund”) in Ukraine faces a number of operational challenges as a result of the deepening economic crisis as well as continuously changing legal environment resulting in the Fund’s expanding mandate.
Dem landwirtschaftlichen Sektor kommt innerhalb der Volkswirtschaft der Ukraine traditionell eine besondere Bedeutung zu. Mehr als 70% der Landfläche werden als landwirtschaftlich nutzbar klassifiziert, bis zu 20% der arbeitsfähigen Bevölkerung ist im Agrarsektor beschäftigt, der Beitrag zum BIP beträgt ca. 12 % und zum Außenhandel über 30%. Auch wenn sich wesentliche Parameter des landwirtschaftlichen Sektors seit 2004 kontinuierlich verbessern, so wurde in keinem Jahr bis 2015 das Produktionsniveau von 1990 erreicht.
The purpose of the project is to improve the common R&D, innovation and business development infrastructurethat will be used by the tea producer SMEs in Rize and its environs. The project is composed of 3 components:
Im Jahr 2006 wurde das Projekt Deutsch-Ukrainischer Agrarpolitischer Dialog (APD) begründet.
The purpose of the contract is to provide technical assistance for improvement of the institutional capacity, marketing capability, productivity and product quality of the tea-producing small and medium enterprises.
This aim will be accomplished by: