Europe / CIS

Animal by-products and Animal Waste Management in Bosnia and Herzegovina

This action is a part of the EU support to harmonised approach to the management of animal by-products across Bosnia and Herzegovina with feasibility study for rendering plant.

The purpose of this contract is to provide technical assistance in establishing an animal waste management system for animal by-products as well as preparation for construction of animal waste facilities for all forms of animal by-products including arrangements for their collection and transport, which will have a major impact on the reduction of direct risks tohuman and animal health and the environment.

Animal by-products and animal waste management in Bosnia and Herzegovina

This action is a part of the EU support to harmonised approach to the management of animal by-products across Bosnia and Herzegovina with feasibility study for rendering plant.

The purpose of this contract is to provide technical assistance in establishing an animal waste management system for animal by-products as well as preparation for construction of animal waste facilities for all forms of animal by-products including arrangements for their collection and transport, which will have a major impact on the reduction of direct risks tohuman and animal health and the environment.

Energy Efficiency Showcase Series

Especially in regions where Energy Efficiency (EE) and Renewable Energy (RE) sectors are in an early stage, awareness raising activities are of great value. These kinds of activities are of importance not only on the level of the ultimate target group but also at the level of Financial Institutions (FIs) that are confronted with the task of developing appropriate products, identifying eligible clients, and defining the benefits of investments into EE measures.


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