Europe / CIS

EIB - Technical Assistance Programme to various EIB Microfinance Operations in Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia (ENTAFI)


The DCFTA Initiative East Facility aims at supporting economic growth and employment-generating activities in Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova, via promotion of responsible financial inclusion of lower income populations and encouraging entrepreneurship across the region. It comprises customised technical assistance to counterpart Financial Institutions in these three countries.



German-Ukrainian Agrarian Policy Dialogue

Overall objective: Ukraine's agricultural policy makes an increased contribution to the promotion of sustainable and competitive agriculture and the integrated development of rural areas.

Project objective: Policy-makers as well as experts and managers in the Ukrainian and German agricultural sectors have a growing mutual understanding of key agricultural policy issues. Transferred know-how finds its way into political decision-making processes.


Förderung der Berufsausbildung an landwirtschaftlichen Colleges in der Ukraine

Der landwirtschaftliche Sektor hat traditionell eine hohe Bedeutung für die ukrainische Volkswirtschaft. Bedingt durch positive Boden- und Klimaverhältnisse und durch die gesetzten politischen Rahmenbedingungen erreichte der Agrarsektor 1990 einen Anteil am Bruttosozialprodukt (BSP) von rund 25%.

Nach dem Zusammenbruch der Sowjetunion im Jahre 1990 und bedingt durch den immensen Strukturwandel nahm die landwirtschaftliche Produktion kontinuierlich ab und erreichte im Jahr 2006 einen Tiefpunkt mit nur noch 7,5 % Anteil am BSP.

Technical Cooperation with Albania


The BMZ-funded TC module on rural development "Sustainable Development in Rural Areas in Albania", implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH since January 2019.

The TC module applies an integrated approach on rural development with a focus on agriculture and rural tourism. 

The TC module works in four fields of interventions (Outputs) so that:

German-Kazakh Agricultural Dialogue (APD Kazakhstan)

The legal and institutional frameworks for the further development of a sustainable agricultural sector are improved at various levels. Instruments for the technical implementation are available.

Politically leaders as well as professional and managerial staff in the German and Kazakh agriculture sector have a growing mutual understanding in central questions concerning agricultural policy. Transferred know-how is included into political decision-making processes.


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