
Assistance for the Implementation of the Support Programme for the Financing of Agriculture and Inclusive Chains in the South of Madagascar (AFAFI-South)

Project objective:

The overall objective of the AFAFI South programme (11th FED) is to contribute to the reduction of poverty among rural populations in the south and south-east Madagascar, in the Androy, Anosy, and Atsimo Atsinanana regions.  The specific objectives of AFAFI-Sud programme are: (i) inclusive, equitable, and sustainable agricultural development, (ii) improving food security, the nutritional situation, and resilience to climate hazards of rural households, and (iii) the development of selected inclusive value chains.

Development of a Strategy for Leveraging Agent Networks to Drive Women’s Financial Inclusion in Nigeria


The journey towards achieving gender parity in financial inclusion in Nigeria commenced with the revision of the National Financial Inclusion in Nigeria in 2018 which identified 5 key focus groups to target interventions and policies in order to achieve the financial inclusion goal including; Women, Youth, MSMEs, Rural areas and Northern indigenes.

Support to Ghana Development Bank

Our tasks are summarized in the following work packages:

Work Package 1: Provision of a senior resident advisor to DBG: Provision of an experienced senior advisor to sit with the management of DBG in order to provide support and advice.

Work Package 2: Training and capacity building at DBG: Provision of training and capacity building to DBG staff regarding e.g., Business Development Services and credit analysis.

Work Package 3: Training at the PFIs: Implementation of a needs analysis, preparing according training materials and carrying out training courses.

Agricultural Policy Dialogue with the African Union

The aim of the project is to establish a platform for professional exchange in which research, private sector, civil society and politics are to participate. Exchange of experience between Germany and the member states of the African Union, combined with technical know-how from science and research, on climate-resilient seed systems, agro-ecological and climate-resilient cultivation methods, measures to reduce post-harvest losses, and the strengthening of the role of women in agricultural and food systems.



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