Programme of Sustainable Economic Development (DEVED) - Component 2 : Promotion of Regional Economic Development: Preparation Missions for the Conceptualisation, Realisation and Promotion of Food Clusters (Tomatoes and Dates)

DEVED supports the MIPMEPI (Ministry of Industry, Small and Middle Enterprises and the Investment Promotion) on national and regional levels in the identification, structuration and promotion of innovative economic clusters representing a high economic potential and opportunities for increased employment creation. Given its broad experience in agriculture, food industry and agro-processing, AFC provided concept, realisation and promotion for two of these clusters (tomatoes and dates), this included:

Strengthening the Microfinance Sector in the MENA Region I+II

The overall GIZ measure “Promotion of the microfinance sector in the MENA region” followed a multi-level approach in which two service packages are provided. As to the first, authorities in selected countries in charge of supervision of microfinance activities received advice and implementation support regarding the improvement of the regulatory and legal framework conditions. The second service package, which was implemented by AFC, supports the regional microfinance association Sanabel in organisational development and service improvement.

Technical Assistance on Crop Husbandry and Irrigation - Northern Part of Cyprus

With support of the project, farmers were able to reduce the amount of water applied per crop significantly and to increase market value by improving overall agronomy techniques, particularly the irrigation management and utilization efficiency of irrigation in citrus fruits, high value vegetables and forage for livestock feed. Advisory services included the following activities:

Provision of a project management training cycle for staff of the Ministry of Agriculture (MCC, contract TC-2B)

The MCC budget focused on strengthening and stimulating economic growth by increasing the productivity of selected sectors with growth potential. One of the selected sectors had been fruit production, which was supported by the Fruit Orchard Project (Projet Arboriculture Fruitière - PAF). PAF has been active in four sectors:

a)  Promotion and amplification of olive tree, almond tree and fig tree plantations in rain-fed zones


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