The MCC budget focused on strengthening and stimulating economic growth by increasing the productivity of selected sectors with growth potential. One of the selected sectors had been fruit production, which was supported by the Fruit Orchard Project (Projet Arboriculture Fruitière - PAF). PAF has been active in four sectors:
a) Promotion and amplification of olive tree, almond tree and fig tree plantations in rain-fed zones
b) Irrigation and amplification of olive tree plantations in irrigated zones
c) Promotion of date palm cultivation in oasis zones in the South of the country
d) Transversal themes and other topics associated with fruit production.
The contract TC-2B was related to sector d). Its objective was the preparation and implementation of training curricula for those staff of the Ministry of Agriculture that were directly involved in the implementation of PAF on national, regional and local level. About 300 participants have been identified in four regions of the country. Six training topics with a total of 20 modules have been selected:
- Project management techniques.
- Monitoring and evaluation of projects.
- Participatory development approaches.
- Integration of social and environmental aspects in the implementation of agricultural projects.
- Establishment and registration of professional farmer organisations / associations
- Training of trainers (multiplicators).
Overall, 505 days of training for a total of 9.523 participants (cumulated) have been carried out successfully. During the implementation, the consultant was also responsible for training logistics.