Asia (excl. CIS)

Innovative Financing for Agriculture and Food Value Chains

The outputs of the Agribusiness value chain finance expert will be: Articulation of the key policy, institutional and regulatory constrains and priority recommendation in AFVC financing for smallholder farms and small and medium-sized agro enterprises; Report on AFVC related funds and recommendations;  Contribution to the policy analysis on AFVC financing; Provide recommendations and lessons learned that will facilitate the access to AFCV financing of smallholder farms and SMAE;

Innovative Financing for Agriculture and Food Value Chains

This TA addresses the knowledge gaps on AFVC (agriculture and food value chain financing), with the end-view of expanding the outreach of AFVC financing to smallholder farms and SMAEs, especially in the ADF countries. Impact and Outcome The expected impact by 2016 will be the improved access to AFVC financing for smallholder farms and SMAEs in participating low-income DMCs. To achieve this impact, the TA’s outcome will be the development of innovative AFVC financing framework.

Innovative Financing for Agriculture and Food Value Chains

This TA addresses the knowledge gaps on AFVC (agriculture and food value chain financing), with the end-view of expanding the outreach of AFVC financing to smallholder farms and SMAEs, especially in the ADF countries. Impact and Outcome The expected impact by 2016 will be the improved access to AFVC financing for smallholder farms and SMAEs in participating low-income DMCs. To achieve this impact, the TA’s outcome will be the development of innovative AFVC financing framework.

Study on Climate Resilient Agriculture and Food Security in Nepal

The IFC Advisory Services in South Asia is implementing the Climate Resilient Agriculture/Agribusiness Project through the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR) in Nepal. The Project will pilot adaptive agricultural products, practices and technologies to increase the productivity of vulnerable resource poor farmers and offset climate change impact thereby contributing to food security. The project will focus on climate resilient and high yielding variety (HYV) seeds and the other agriculture inputs like water management, access to information and access to agri finance.

Ländliche Entwicklung in Laos

Wesentliche Aufgaben der Langzeitfachkraft bestehen in: Durchführung des deutschen Beitrages vor Ort als Ansprechpartner der Komponente „Dezentrale Planung“, damit direkter Ansprechpartner des Vorhabens beim MPI-DoP Enge und intensive Abstimmung mit den Beratern der anderen Komponenten Fachliche Steuerung eines Beratungsteams des AN (Lang- und Kurzzeitfachkräfte; siehe unten) in den oben genannten Bereichen Zuständig für die Koordinierung mit und Anleitung des Planungskernteams im MPI/DOP, dabei enge Abstimmung mit der CIM Integrierten Fachkraft

Seed Sector Review

The Afghan agricultural sector and more specifically the informal seed sub-sector is known to be highly resilient. During the last half-century, numerous but often  discontinuous efforts to develop a formal seed sub-sector have had some positive impact on the informal seed sector at the farmers’ level and on the national food security and economy as well as on the socio-economic dynamic within the rural population. Farmers or any group of farmers who produce seed for their own use or for use by their neighbours or others in their immediate area.

Financial Access, Knowledge and Service Delivery in Savings in India

This project will focus on three main areas of interest. The first is related to the expansion of the EKO program to new areas previously excluded from financial services catering to low income families in Bihar. The second area of focus will be on testing the impact of financial literacy training. The third will look at the optimal way to deliver this training.

Energy Efficiency Programme

Nepal currently has no 'national energy strategy'. The objectives of the country's energy policy are defined and updated in 5-year plans. Both the 10th five-year plan (2002/03 – 2006/07) and the current 3-year interim plan (2007/08 – 2009/10) are concerned exclusively with the electricity sector. International energy statistics and a regional comparison indicate that Nepal has a high specific energy consumption related to GDP. This is the basis of the core problem for the present development measure (programme): The energy use in Nepal is inefficient.

Rahmenbedingungen und Finanzierung für Privatsektorentwicklung in Tadschikistan

Kernproblem: die Rahmenbedingungen der tadschikischen Wirtschaft sind von mangelnder Stabilität, geringer Dynamik und unzureichender internationaler Integration geprägt. Modulziel: Die Rahmenbedingungen (insbes. Stabilität, Dynamik, internationale Integration) für die tadschikische Wirtschaft (Unternehmen, Beschäftigte, Kunden der MFI) sind verbessert.l In Komponente 1 wird die lokale Wirtschaftsentwicklung insbesondere über einen Wertschöpfungskettenansatz gefördert.


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