From Field to Future: German-Kazakh Collaboration Cultivates New Visions for Agriculture


In an important step forward for sustainable agriculture and economic growth, our German-Kazakh Agricultural Policy Dialogue (APD) project recently wrapped up an impactful study tour in Germany. This educational trip was designed to boost understanding and share knowledge between the agricultural sectors of Kazakhstan and Germany.

The tour included carefully planned visits to some of Germany's leading agricultural sites, focusing on sustainable farming and innovative practices. Highlights included a visit to DLG Fiedl Days, the Hessian State Domain Frankenhausen, DEULA Witzenhausen GmbH, the Lower Saxony Chamber of Agriculture, and the advanced biogas plant in Ense. Each location offered valuable lessons in producing food in a way that saves resources, protects the climate, and uses renewable energy in farming.

A group of select participants from Kazakhstan, including officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, experts from scientific and research institutions, and key figures from the private agricultural sector, took part in this exchange. The delegation was headed by Ms. Mira Yessimova from the Ministry of Agriculture's Department of Agrochemistry and Agrotechnology, along with other notable experts such as Mr. Saken Zhussip and Mr. Yerlan Zhumabayev.

The primary objectives of the tour were centered on a bilateral exchange of knowledge and experiences in sustainable farming practices, drought-resistant crops, enhancing soil fertility, and optimizing water management. The delegation was interested to understand what could be transfered from German experience in these fields to advance Kazakhstan's agricultural sector. Equally important, Johanna Scholz from the German Ministry also shared insights with the Kazakhstani delegation, underlining the mutual benefits of learning from each other. For instance, while Kazakhstan has established a dedicated Water Ministry, highlighting its commitment to addressing water resource management, Germany recognizes the significance of this issue, acknowledging that its political framework could be further optimized to address water management more effectively.

Especially the DLG Field Days were very impressive for the participants. Ms. Mira Yessimova shared her enthusiasm, saying, "This trip has been incredibly useful. We are excited to share our impressions with our colleagues, especially regarding sustainable farming and water management, to help Kazakhstan's agriculture grow." This event, held every two years since 1988, was an excellent chance for the group to see the latest in farming. Spread over about 55 hectares, the event featured 386 companies from 20 countries showing new technologies in plant growing.

This study tour is part of many efforts under the APD project to strengthen the dialogue and work together with Germany in the agricultural sector. The project aims to bring international ideas into the decision-making processes and support the development of the agriculture and food sectors, helping Kazakhstan's social and economic progress. The project is funded by the German Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).

For more information on the German-Kazakh Agricultural Policy Dialogue (APD) Project and upcoming activities, please visit APD — Казахстан (

Contact: stefanie.maak [at]