AFC offers Digital Learning in Partnership with Gateway and the EIB


Aiming for a long-term impact, beyond classroom trainings, AFC is glad to announce a new cooperation with Gateway, a digital learning platform specialised in building the capacity of bank staff in lower income countries, by transformating third-party content into digital learning courses, for example in Digitizing Agriculture. Gateway has been launched recently, after the merger of Gateway Academy, an e-learning learning platform for financial inclusion incubated by the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), and Digital Frontiers.

In partnership with the European Investment Bank, AFC is running a successful cooperation, offering a number of selected partner financial institutions in Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda, to build their capacity by offering impactful and cost-effective digital learning on a larger scale. Therefore, the banks preference and needs were identified, ensuring that they were offered an optimal choice of relevant courses.

In the coming weeks, not only will an online course about the important topic Digitizing Agriculture be offered free of charge to our partner banks, but also further courses on Digital Finance for All, Product Management and Customers at the Center. The easily accessible and interactive digital training offers appealed to our clients with a maximum of 84 trainees enrolled to date.

AFC looks forward to expanding these numbers in the coming years, to ensure effective trainings for EIB and our customers, even in times of travel restrictions.


For further information please contact: Guillermo.Bosse [at] or Friederike.Graupner [at]