Study on Credit Intermediation for SMEs in the Mediterranean Countries

The overall objective of the project of which this contract will be a part is to contribute to the growth and development of the private sector in the region by enhancing access of MSMEs to financing.

The purpose of the TA assignment is

  • to analyse the intermediation market for business finance in each of the targeted MPCs,
  • assess the potential demand and supply, and evaluate the feasibility of setting up business credit intermediaries in the targeted countries.
  • It will also examine the rationale and the modalities of a potential EIB initiative (the "EiB Initiative") to support the establishment of business credit intermediaries in selected MPCs.
  • Such an initiative could feature a financial part involving direct or indirect (quasi-) equity financing/ seed-funding provided by EIB and grant financing for a capacity building element.

It is foreseen that a substantial amount of key experts' time approximately 60%) will be spent in the targeted MFCs and the remaining 40% in the Consultant's Headquarters or meeting other stakeholders. Regular meetings will) be held at EIB Headquarters in Luxembourg.

Coordination with stakeholders of the MPCs will be necessary, as well as cooperation with various European financing institutions and donors. This is expected to take place both via correspondence and through in person meetings in the beneficiary countries and/or Europe. In addition, the Consultant will be required to organiseone or more final dissemination workshops in Europe and/or the beneficiary countries.


Qualifications and skills

  • University degree or equivalent in finance, accounting, economics or other relevant subjects for the role;
  • Strong analytical and conceptual skills. Fluent in English or French with good command of the other. Good command of Arabic would be an asset.

Professional experience

  • At least 5 years relevant experience in the areas of business credit intermediation (including set up, operation, or management)
  • Experience in MPC would be an advantage.
Start / Duration: 

The intended commencement date is January 2014, and the period of the contract will be for a maximum of 12 months.

Thereafter, during a period of 3 months, the Consultant is expected to be available for up to 5 working days to participate in final dissemination workshops.

If you are interested to cooperte with AFC Consultsns International, please send you most recent CV to

Barbara.Braun [at]

Thank you!