Irrigation Command Area Development Project

The Government of Republic of Union of Myanmar requested Asian Development Bank (ADB) for support for the improvement of rural infrastructure, including small and medium-scale irrigation systems, rural roads, and broader development of the rural sector during the preparation of the Country Business Operations Plan for 2014-2016 and the Initial Sector Assessment, Strategy, and Roadmap in agriculture, natural resources and environment sector of Myanmar (April 2013).

A project preparatory assistance (PPTA) will help ensure compliance with ADB’s requirements and incorporation of international best practices in the project design.

The PPTA will prepare an investment project for irrigated agriculture, including gathering of information and other baseline data, survey and feasibility study of the subprojects, and address the required due diligence:

  • (i) assess the technical feasibility of the project based on the prioritized subprojects;
  • (ii) conduct due diligence on the economic and financial feasibility of the project;
  • (iii) conduct financial management and procurement capacity assessment and identify training needs;
  • (iv) assess the impacts on poverty, social and gender;
  • (v) conduct due diligence and prepare safeguards requirements;
  • (vi) prepare project documents, including the draft report and recommendation of the President (RRP) and key linked documents.

With a minimum experience of 15 years the experts will

  • (i) work closely with the agricultural specialists in the design and implementation of baseline agricultural, socio-economic and livelihood surveys;
  • (ii) assist team leader and irrigation engineers in prioritization of interventions and subprojects;
  • (iii) compile the project cost estimates an financing plan (including computation of contingencies and financial charges);
  • (iv) review baseline studies of agricultural production and farmers’ livelihoods;
  • (v) conduct project economic and financial analyses in accordance with ADB requirements, with particular attention to access to markets (taking into account rural access/connectivity);
  • (vi) analyze the needs of private sector to promote agribusiness;
  • (vii) identify opportunities for agro-processing;
  • (viii) identify the support required to enhance value chains and promote agricultural processing;
  • (ix) if proposed as project activities, assess in collaboration with the social specialist (a) the potential impact of mechanization on labor requirements/equity and (b) the impact of land consolidation on land tenure; and (x) explore options to establish linkages with local and national retail/wholesale markets for farmers’ produce.
Start / Duration: 

The proposed PPTA commencement date was 1st April 2014 and the completion date was 30th December 2014 (9 months)

If you are interested to cooperate with AFC in this ADB funded project in Myanamar, please send your most recent CV to

Johannes.Geisen [at]

Thank you

Please not that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted