DPRK Korea _Food Security Office

The EU's current mandate for interventions in the DPRK is limited to the provision of humanitarian and technical assistance in the fields of food security, health, and water and sanitation. Since the 2007-2013 Food Security Thematic Programme, DG DEVCO's food security assistance to the DPRK is implemented under the Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development approach (LRRD).

EC assistance not only supports the agricultural production/sector, but also aims at improving food security and build the resilience of the poorest and most vulnerable groups and communities, whether in rural, urban and semi-urban areas. It also tackles issues impacting on the agricultural sector such as deforestation, erosion and watershed management; through more environment-focus projects or by mainstreaming this issue as a sub-component of projects addressing other food security issues.

Most EU assistance to the DPRK is now funded under the Global Public Goods and Challenges thematic programme (GPGC), and more particularly from the sub-programme "Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture" (PRO-Act). Budget allocations are decided on an annual basis. Over the last thirteen years, the level of EU support amounted to an average of EUR 7,000,000 per annum; although this has decreased somewhat over the last couple of years.

The global objective of the EC's assistance to the DPRK is two-fold:

1. Addressing the people’s fragile food and humanitarian situation; and

2. Pursuing the engagement and trust-building process with civil components of the DPRK government.

The specific objective of our food security assistance to the DPRK is to improve the nutritional status of the vulnerable groups and communities, which continue to suffer most from the deterioration of the national socio-economic conditions. It aims to contribute to overcoming persistent technical and organisational deficiencies, and deficits which in turn lead to reduced and unstable production, reduced availability of food; problems of distribution and access for these target groups.



Qualifications and skills

  • The Team Leader must have a university degree in Agricultural Sciences and/or Rural Development and/or Sustainable Agriculture and/or Food Security (or equivalent) or other fields relevant to our programme (or equivalent professional experience)
  • S/he shall have very good management skills
  • S/he shall have very good negotiation and communication skills, which will enable him/her to collaborate in a constructive manner with the DPRK authorities and grant beneficiaries alike
  • S/he shall be fluent in English (written and spoken), have good reporting skills, and be computer literate.

General professional experience

  • Preferably 7 years of professional experience, with a minimum requirement of 5 years of experience in rural and/or agricultural development and/or food security;
  • At least 3 years of experience in field work and in project management;
  • Demonstrated experience as team leader would be a strong asset;
  • As a Team Leader, s/he shall have very good human resources management skills;
  • S/he should preferably be familiar with the EU Project Cycle Management, and with DG DEVCO rules and procedures10.

Specific professional experience

  • Minimum 3 years of working experience in Asia or in countries with similar socio and agro-ecological conditions to that of the DPRK;
  • Minimum 3 years of working experience in the DPRK or in a similar political context (i.e. in fragile countries, countries in transition), would be an advantage;
  • Working experience in the DPRK would be a strong advantage;
  • Working experience in the field of food processing and/or agricultural business development would be an asset
  • Working experience in nutrition and/or food security-related DRR would be an asset
  • S/he shall be familiar with economic analysis and assessment of project sustainability;
  • Professional experience in farming and cooperative systems would be an asset
Start / Duration: 

The FSO is located in Pyongyang ("place of duty"). However:

  • The key experts will carry out activities throughout the country; wherever EU-funded assistance is being implemented and wherever necessary;
  • Some activities, such as study tours or training sessions, are organised outside of the DPRK;
  • Trips to DG DEVCO's headquarters in Brussels for a briefing and de-briefing session of the key experts must be foreseen at the beginning and end of the assignment respectively. Other visits to DG DEVCO may be required (one per annum).
  • Regular trips to Beijing will be necessary to organise accounting issues for the smooth running of the office. As much as possible these will be combined with annual leave or study tours/trainings.

Please send your most recent CV to:

Barbara.Braun [at] afci.de

Thank you!

Please note, that only shortlisted experts will be contacted