Botswana_Technical assistance to the implementation of the EPA support programme in Botswana

The economy is dominated by the mining sector, especially by diamonds, which account for about 16% of GDP (Statistics Botswana 2018 GDP Report), represent over 80% of exports and about 30% of government revenues. While not significant in terms of GDP (2% at current prices in 2018), agriculture is the main source of livelihood for over 80% of the total population livestock farming is particularly important, with a cattle population estimated at 2.55 million heads.

The overall objective of the programme of which this contract will be a part is to promote export-led economic diversification and growth in Botswana with improved employment in targeted value chains (beef & leather).

The purpose of this contract is to establish a Technical Assistance Team (TAT), which will be composed of a core team of 3 key experts who will contribute to:

  • Increasing and diversifying non-mining exports of Botswana to the EU and the region by inter alia drawing on the opportunities offered by the SADC-EPA;
  • Enhancing enterprise and product competitiveness in selected value chains with a potential to strengthen women’s economic empowerment;
  • Increasing FDI in support of the export effort


  • A [post-graduate] degree in Animal Science/Veterinary medicine or any other related field, or equivalent of 2 years of general professional experience in addition to the minimum requirement

General Professional Experience

  •  At least 5 years of experience in epidemiology or veterinary services

Specific Professional Experience and other Skills

  • Good knowledge of database administration and statistical analysis
  • Exposure to risk analysis with hands on official controls, biosecurity and quarantine management
  • Track record of three (3) consultancies carried out on capacity building, quality management, change management, training of trainers
  • Practical experience in animal identification/traceability as an asset
  • Experience of FMD in Southern Africa will be an added advantage
  • English proficiency at C2 level
Start / Duration: 

The intended start date is July 2020 and the period of implementation of the contract will be 42 months from this date.

Are to interested in a cooperatian with AFC? Please upload your most recent CV here.



Please be informed, that only shortlisted experts will be contacted.