
Sustainable Economic Development Programme (SEDIN) (Unit 2: Private Sector Development), SME Loop training and coaching

The overall Development Cooperation (DC) Programme has the programme objective that framework conditions for MSMEs (particularly access to innovative and demand oriented financial services) and the integration of poor population groups into a sustainable growth process have been improved. The module objective of the project reads: The employment and income situation of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in selected sectors have improved.

Scope of service provision:

Development of the private agricultural sector Fund Manager under the Programme for Economic Growth within the Agricultural Sector (PCESA) – Component A

The Program for Economic Growth within the Agricultural Sector (PCESA) is the third Danish support program for the agricultural sector. It includes 2 components and 4 subcomponents. The PCESA is aligned with the priorities of the Programme National du Secteur Rural (PNSR) and the Stratégie de Croissance Accélérée et de Développement Durable (SCADD).

Support to the national programme for sustainable smallholder irrigation agriculture (PASSIP): Delivery of six technical and economic studies

Through a delegated co-operation mechanism, the German co-operation is currently implementing, via its executing agency GIZ, the programme "Support to the national programme for sustainable smallholder irrigation agriculture" (PASSIP). In this context, the consortium AFC-ECO is responsible for carrying out several studies on various subjects, namely:

Institutional Strengthening Programme for Agro-Pastoral Resilience in Mauritania (RIMRAP): Component Research and Training

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to building the resilience of rural populations vulnerable to food and nutrition insecurity.

The specific objective is to strengthen governance for equitable access and sustainable management of resources in the context of climate change.

The expected results are:

Setting up a financing scheme for the rural water and sanitation sector

The objective of the intervention is to define, implement, and render operational a financing arrangement (for example, a fiduciary fund) in the region of Kayes or Koulikoro in order to respond to the investment needs within the sector of Drinking Water Supplies and Sanitation Structures (Approvisionnement en Eau Potable et Assainissement (AEPA)) in rural environments.

Uganda_Support to agrarian based local economic development

Support to agrarian based local economic development

The projects aims at enhancing agrarian based local economic development in Northern Uganda. The intervention is planned for 11 months, from the 09.2018 until the 07.2019. In this context, we are looking for one international and two Ugandan experts who would each work for 11 months on the project. Duty station for all of them would be the city of Gulu.

Uganda_Support to agrarian based local economic development

Support to agrarian based local economic development

The projects aims at enhancing agrarian based local economic development in Northern Uganda. The intervention is planned for 11 months, from the 09.2018 until the 07.2019. In this context, we are looking for one international and two Ugandan experts who would each work for 11 months on the project. Duty station for all of them would be the city of Gulu.


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