
Programme for Rural Development and Agriculture (ProDRA)

It is increasingly clear that to enhance the performance of small operators supported within the framework of the project ProDRA, there is a need for financial services that are tailored to small operators as well as to value chain actors. It is now obvious that the actors’ technical and economic productivity cannot truly increase in a rapid and permanent manner without having access to appropriate financial services, such as small loans, savings, and insurance.

Technical Cooperation with the Global Project “Promotion of agricultural finance for agri-based enterprises in rural areas(AgFin)”: Implementation of country package Nigeria

Nigeria is a partner country of the BMZ initiative “One World No Hunger” (SEWoH) which supports agricultural development and food security in countries worldwide, with a focus on sub-Saharan Africa. Complementary to the SEWoH Green Innovation Centre for the Agriculture and Food Sector (GIAE) which has been running in Nigeria since 2015.

Pro-poor growth and promotion of employment in Nigeria (SEDIN): Access to Finance Unit

The objective is to improve the access of selected sectors MSMEs to financial services and support the selected Microfinance banks (MFB) and the Association of Nigeria Microfinance Banks.

More specifically, the aim is to improve the delivery of adequate financial services for MSMEs and start-ups. In addition, the MFBs are to be enabled on the consulting services to improve the quality of their financial services and to ensure the sustainability of their business.

Agricultural Value Chain Analyses for the Development Bank of Rwanda

The African Agriculture and Trade Investment Fund’s (AATIF) mission is to realise the potential of Africa's agricultural production, manufacturing, service provision and trade for the benefit of the poor. AATIF aims to provide additional employment and income to farmers, entrepreneurs and labourers alike. Increasing productivity, production, and local value addition by investing in efficient value chains and providing knowledge transfer are paramount.

Adaptation of agricultural value chains to climate chains (PrAda)

The objective of the programme PrAda is “to improve the performance of the actors of the selected agricultural value chains particularly vulnerable to climate change”. A broad definition is used regarding actors of agricultural value chains: all actors, from farmer producers to regulating authorities and agricultural research centres, are concerned.

Consulting Services to Improve Data Utilisation of the Credit Reference System by Participating Institutions and the Bank of Uganda

In December 2004, Bank of Uganda (BoU) formulated a Policy Paper for the Establishment and Operation of Credit Reference Bureau (CRB) Services for supervised financial institutions in Uganda. BoU licensed only one provider, due to the small size of the Ugandan credit market at that time.

Togo_d’appui à l’amélioration de la compétitivité de la filière ananas au Togo

L'objectif principal du projet est d'améliorer la compétitivité des entreprises de transformation de l'ananas au Togo. Plus précisément, il vise à soutenir et à améliorer la capacité des micro, petites et moyennes entreprises (MPME) à produire, transformer et commercialiser des ananas sur les marchés locaux, régionaux et internationaux. Un autre objectif principal est de renforcer les organisations intermédiaires actives dans la chaîne de valeur de l'ananas.


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