Support the functionality of the National organisation for prevention and disaster and food crises management

The Republic of Niger is affected for decades by recurrent natural disasters, acute food shortages (economic or structural) as well as by associated conflicts. The National organisation for prevention and disaster and food crises management (Dispositif National de Prévention et de Gestion des Catastrophes et des Crises Alimentaires, DNPGCCA; in brief: Dispositif National, DN) has been created in 1998 and is the central instrument of the government to address the impacts of food and humanitarian crises. Its role and function are defined in section 3 of the Programme de Développement Economiqe et Social (PDES) as well as in section 3 of the strategic cross-sectoral approach for food security, namely the Initiative 3N (Les Nigériens nourrissent les Nigériens, I3N).
Objective of the project:
The functioning of DN is strengthened at national, regional and local level.
• Organisation of advanced training (evaluation and census techniques, needs analysis, planning and management of micro projects, IT training).
• Development of proposals for effective and efficient participation of communal structures to DN activities. 
• Participatory development of the M&E system for evaluating the activities and outcomes of communal structures.
• Development of a decentralised and gender-sensitive monitoring system.
• Regular exchange with other communities and development projects in the area of food security or related areas.
• Knowledge management: systematic edition of survey methods developed within DN, exchange and comparison of procedures, technical dialogue, presentation of results and activities in the area of decentralisation. 
Services provided include, but are not limited to:
Responsible for implementing action area 3: support DN in the pursuit of decentralised structures at regional and communal level. Thus, the functionality of DN will be improved, especially regarding supply control, planning, implementation and monitoring.
• Analysis of the situation and selection of 3 pilot communities (+6 in second phase).
• Elaboration of a decree template for the institutionalisation of DN. 
• Development of a municipal planning mechanism that allows detailed planning, implementation and evaluation of assistance at communal level. 
• Concept for participatory development of the institutionalisation of DN at communal level.
• Capacity development of decentralised structures in the pilot communities. 
• Gender-sensitive planning and implementation of specific measures for groups at risk in the pilot communities.
• Participation of the civil society, especially of women.
• Advice to and coaching of groups at risk.
• Development of decentralised and gender-sensitive monitoring.