German-Nigerian Promotion of Productive Agriculture Programme (PromAP) II


Context :

Niger is extremely vulnerable to climate change impacts due to its geographical location, its population increase and its dependence on agriculture. The yields of rain-fed agriculture are more and more precarious, leading to an increased importance of irrigation agriculture. PromAP, which is implemented since 2012, focuses on the enhancement of irrigation agriculture (small-scale irrigation) at macro (government), meso (support and dissemination of services) and micro level (smallholders) in a sustainable manner. This follow-up programme of 3 years targets sustainable development of small-scale irrigation systems in the intervention zones of the programme in Agadez, Tahoua and Tillabéri. The project focuses on three action areas:
A) Support for the implementation of the small-scale irrigation strategy (coordination, monitoring and control).
B) Improvement of the governmental, private and professional service providers of small-scale irrigation.
C) Capacity building of producers in the field of production, processing, marketing and maintenance of small-scale irrigation systems. The consortium ECO/AFC is responsible for the action area B which aims to improve the performance of public and private service providers of small-scale irrigation, following pluralistic principles, the development of new services focusing on demand and the overall strengthening of the sector’s innovative capacity. And more specifically, the strengthening of the link between agricultural research and extension needs.


The objective of the project is the sustainable development of the economic potential of the perimeters developed for small-scale irrigation in the programme regions Agadez, Tahoua and Tillabéri. This implies the development of training modules on a variety of topics related to small-scale irrigation in close collaboration with the action area C.