The Project aims to sensitize the players in the agricultural sector, establish and initiate a national dialogue, structuring the discussions on this theme, introduce new techniques, concepts, approaches, methods and current findings, and provide guidance to the practice.
The services are provided in three (3) stages :
1st step: research, bibliography and design
- Inception meeting with GIZ, PAD and AVFA in Tunis for the planning of the mission, methodology, interests and expected outcomes
- exchange of documents and existing publications concerning sustainable agriculture and development rural in Tunisia at the Ministry of Agriculture as well as with the involvement of partners
- consolidated bibliography
- capitalization of information and development of a structure and plan of provisional contents (precise table of content) of the reference guide (basic text)
- Design of a generic structure for the individual thematic fiches (all the 15-20 fiches will have a similar structure.
2nd step: first draft
- Research and collection of data and information necessary for the development of the repository and the selection of good practices adapted to the context, with movements on the ground (as needed) and interviews with actors key (State, private and civil) for a sustainable agriculture and development rural
- Drafting the content and the fiches in French
- Presentation of the draft for comments
3rd step: final draft and development of props for its presentation to a larger public
- Finalisation of the draft taking comments into account
- Translation of the guide in Arabic (Tunisian)
- Development of posters ini French and Arabic for the presentation of sustainable agriculture and introduction to the reference guide