Participating in the set-up of an innovation hub at the GIZ project office in North-West Uganda


In the context of our activities for GIZ in North-West Uganda, which support small-scale agricultural production of Sudanese refugees and Ugandan famers in the respective host communities, we have participated in the set-up of an innovation hub, which integrates innovative and best practice solutions from the agriculture, water and energy sectors. 

At the innovation hub, which was established on the compound of the GIZ project office in the city of Arua, a wide range of simple, ecologically sound and climate-smart technologies from different sectors are exhibited. It demonstrates in a holistic way best practices regarding land, water and energy use not only for (farm) households, but also for institutional and office operations. 

AFC was in charge of integrating technologies for sustainable and climate-smart agriculture into the hub. On a 1.000 m² plot, a wide-range of sustainable agricultural techniques and best practices are demonstrated, amongst others, the use of certified seeds that are adapted to climate-change, crop rotation, various water retention and irrigation techniques, vegetative erosion control methods, compost making and application, proper spacing of plants, mulching, green house management, soil sterilization through heat, organic manure and pesticides making & application, sack and kitchen gardens, beekeeping and the planting of indigenous trees.  

Demo plots of the main cash and food crops (e.g. upland rice, sweet potatoes, sunflower, soya, beans, ground-nuts and a wide range of vegetables) that we promote in the refugee settlements and host communities are grown following the principles of Good Agronomic Practices (GAP) displayed at the hub. 

The demo hub has become a center for lively discussions, linking up people and exchanging ideas of how natural resources can be managed in a sustainable way and how the displayed best practices could be disseminated. 


For more information please contact our project manager Matthias Webendörfer: matthias.webendoerfer [at]