A most needed subsidy for pineapple producers in Togo


As part of our project on the Improvement of the Competitiveness of the Pineapple Sector in Togo (PROCAT), the umbrella organisation for pineapple producers in Togo “Fédération Nationale des Coopératives de Producteurs d'Ananas au Togo (FENACOPAT)” has received a GIZ-grant of around  30 million FCFA (approximately 46.000 €). The symbolic presentation of the check, marking the beginning of the grant, took place on Wednesday 26th of August 2020 during the inauguration of the federation's office in Tsévié (35Km from Lomé). The main actors involved in the pineapple sector in Togo were present (dealers, processors, cooperatives, etc.).

The funding is dedicated for the construction of storage facilities in Tsévié and the creation of a sales center in Lomé. The grant will also enable the FENACOPAT to purchase a vehicle for product delivery to sales points. Moreover, the grant will give the Federation the possibility to purchase fresh pineapples directly from the producers affiliated in various cooperatives and resell them on the local market. 

The GIZ project on the Improvement of the Competitiveness of the Pineapple Sector in Togo (PROCAT) that AFC has been implementing for more than 15 months, is cofinanced by the EU and the German Federal Ministry of Cooperation (BMZ). The project aims to strengthen the processing step in the pineapple value chain (juices, fresh and dried fruits etc.). The main objective of the project is to improve the competitiveness of micro, small and medium-sized pineapple processing companies and indirectly small farmers to ensure better integration into the value chain. The current phase of the project, which started in July 2019, will be completed by end of October 2020. 

For further details, please contact stephane.demfouangoum [at] afci.de