Malian Delegation visited Fruit Logistica 2018 in Berlin


Exploring a possible partnership and trying to define a potential collaboration framework between Bavaria Saat and actors of the potato sector from Mali

On Thursday 8th February 2018 at the Fruit Logistica in Berlin, actors of the Malian potato sector came together with the seed company Bavaria Saat. AFC organized this meeting not only as an opportunity for exchange and to get to know each other better, but also to discuss and determine general conditions for a potential partnership in potato seed production in Mali within the GIZ-funded Green Innovation Centre project. The Malian delegation (including Potato Researchers and Seed Importers) was welcomed by the main shareholder of Bavaria Saat, Alexander von Zwehl, and the entire management team on their exhibition stand at the fair. Bavaria Saat presented the company and its brand-new seeds and main strategies and activities of the company throughout the world. Afterwards, AFC and the delegation from Mali highlighted the current situation of the potato market in Mali and the specificities and particularities of the potato production in Mali. Following the introduction, the attendees discussed a potential concept and framework for the future partnership. At the end both parties agreed on the varieties to be sent to Mali and a possible timetable for the realization of the collaboration. On 9th February 2018, the Malian delegation visited the breeding station of Bavaria Saat based in Stretense (Mecklenburg-Western-Pomerania). In Stretense the breeding cycle of potato and the resulting varieties were showcased.

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