AFC supports the use of ICT tools for agricultural extension in Ghana


Through the GIZ “Market Oriented Agriculture Programme (MOAP)” in Ghana, AFC supports TECAS (Training and Extension for Conservation Agriculture in the Savannah), a private advisory service with the objective of promoting conservation agriculture principles into agricultural supply chains in North-West Ghana.

In this context, one area of activity is the support to TECAS Field Advisors in the use of a tablet based app in agricultural extension. The app allows features like GPS locations and area measurements and can be used while offline. The gathered information is the basis for payment of TECAS Field Advisors, whose receive a commission per trained farmer.

Using this app for crop monitoring helps TECAS accomplish several goals: confirmation of delivery of extension messages to the farmer; locating of farms and verification of farm sizes to aid in tractor routing and map development; collection of information on current farmer practice; and conveyance of agronomic information to the TECAS agronomist (who can thereafter diagnose and offer feedback).

For further information please contact Matthias WEBENDOERFER (matthias.webendoerfer [at]