AFC launches new project in Niger


In March, AFC, in consortium with CA17, ADE and GOPA, signed a new contract with the European Union Delegation in Niger. The 8M€ project will last 3,5 years. AFC with its partners will support the Haut Comissariat de l’initiative 3N  “Les Nigériens nourissent les nigériens - Nigeriens feed Nigeriens” (HC3N) and the EU Delegation with a technical assistance for the sectoral reform agreement, “Food and nutritional security and sustainable agricultural development (CRS-SANAD)”.

The consortium led by AFC will support HC3N, as well as partner ministries and the steering committee in the methodological and technical program approach, in steering, monitoring and reporting activities and will provide capacity building in terms of project management.

These activities will contribute to the following goals:

  1. Promote sectoral policies and reforms.
  2. Strengthen governance at the sectoral level.
  3. Respond to the population’s essential needs through improved access to services in the areas of sustainable agriculture, and food and nutritional security.

The target group of the operation include institutional partners of the HC3N (Ministries, public institutions), but the final target group are smallholder farmers.

For more information please contact Marie-Laetitia Catta marie-laetitia.catta [at]