Technical assistance to enhance the Government of Rwanda's capacities in the agriculture sector for the sustainable use of land and water resources, value creation and nutrition security

The technical assistance will support government's capacity to reach the objectives and expected results of the above mentioned sector reform contract. Indicative areas for technical assistance (long- and short-term) are strategic planning, policy, monitoring and evaluation, food and nutrition security, agriculture extension, irrigation, agroforestry, agriculture finance, agriculture value chain development, agricultural decentralisation and public financial management. Six ministries (finance and economic planning, agriculture, health, local government, natural resources, trade and industry) are closely linked to the objectives of the action.

The general objective of this contract is ‘To support the Government in implementing the agriculture sector strategy, and in particular its contribution to the national development targets by enhancing food and nutrition security, the sustainable and efficient use of land and water resources, the development of agricultural high-value chains and the strengthening of public financial management (PFM) capacities in the agriculture sector’.

Start / Duration: 


If you are interested to coopertate with AFC in this upcoming tender, please send your most recent CV to:

Barbara.Braun [at]

Thank you!

Please note, that only shortlisted experts will be contacted