Promotion of Accessibility to Financial Services for SMEs in Egypt

The project will comprise 4 action fields

(A): "Improvement of the Legal Framework Conditions for NBFIs" (macro level) creates the necessary conditions for an improvement of the framework conditions concerning SME financing through NBFIs.

(B): Strengthening of market conditions (meso level) through the institutional strengthening of the Credit Guarantee Company (CGC) and the expansion of training services for NBFIs  fosters an adequate financial market infrastructure for SME financing and thus creates the prerequisites for an increase in NFBIs’ credit portfolio for SMEs.

(C) "Institutional Development of Selected NBFIs" (micro level) creates the necessary preconditions for SMEs to utilize new and employment-effective NBFI financial services. Selected NBFIs are strategically, operationally and technically advised concerning the expansion of their SME product portfolios.

(D) "Support of Young Entrepreneurs" improves the capabilities of start-ups, especially those led by women, to procure access to needs-based financial services.

Two international experts, one project coordinator and one junior expert, are deployed long-term for the implementation of the project. The project coordinator is responsible for the overall management of the project and is supported by the junior expert, whose main focus is the monitoring and evaluation of project activities. Three and a half national experts support the project in its four action fields. Each national expert is assigned to one of the respective action fields. Action field (D) shares a position with the Private Sector Development Programme (PSDP) on start-up financing. Further, one development aid worker shall be deployed for the development of the start-up contact point in Sohag (Upper Egypt) in action field (D). Several short-term local and international experts will advise the project as required, especially in action field (C). An integrated expert in the field of SME promotion is not desired by the political partner due to political reasons and thus is not designated. Local benefits and assets are expected to be granted to the partners on a small scale.


General qualifications

  • Master degree or similar in finance, economics, law, social sciences or other relevant discipline
  • Minimum 10 years professional experience in advising financial institutions.

Specific qualifications

  • Experience advising non-bank financial institutions (NBFI)
  • Experienced in the coordination of financial systems development projects, including the coordination and conceptualisation of market assessment research
  • Experience developing the capacity of financial institutions, ideally NBFIs
  • Excellent management skills
  • Good understanding of financial market regulation.
Start / Duration: 

Total of up to 175 man-days to fulfil his duties, at least 100 of which should be spend in the country of assignment.

Are you intersted to cooperate with AFC in this tender?

Please send your most recent CV to

Barbara.braun [at]

Thank you!