Providing jobs to millions, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) form the backbone of any a strong economy. Their capacity for innovation, job creation and ability to adapt to the ever-changing business environment makes them a vital building block for economic growth and prosperity. Nowhere is this more important than in Egypt, which has long been the largest SME hub in the Middle East in terms of sheer numbers and operating density.
The GIZ initiative ‘Promotion of Access to Finance for Small and Medium Enterprises’, focuses on promoting NBFIs Non-Bank Financial Institutions (NBFIs) and the services they offer to SMEs in Egypt. The overall aim is to promote employment creation by enabling SMEs to access adequate financial services. It brings together relevant actors of both public and private sectors. The project consists of four components:
- Improving the legal and regulatory framework for NBFIs,
- Strengthening the financial market infrastructure,
- Developing the capacities of NBFIs,
- Improving access to finance for young companies (Start-ups).
Tasks of the lead expert:
- Overall coordination of the intervention, both in country and abroad
- Ensuring high quality service delivery throughout the entire assignment
- Plan and manage all three areas of intervention as outlined above
- Assume institutional capacity building responsibilities in selected NBFI
- Main contact point for the responsible GIZ project officer, responding to all GIZ inquiries and requests
- Responsible for delivering high quality reports and data and ensuring that agreed deadlines are met.
General qualifications
- Master degree or similar in finance, economics, law, social sciences or other relevant discipline
- Minimum 10 years professional experience in advising financial institutions.
Specific qualifications
- Experience advising non-bank financial institutions (NBFI)
- Experienced in the coordination of financial systems development projects, including the coordination and conceptualisation of market assessment research
- Experience developing the capacity of financial institutions, ideally NBFIs
- Excellent management skills
- Good understanding of financial market regulation.
Total of up to 175 man-days to fulfil his duties, at least 100 of which should be spend in the country of assignment.
The assignment is expected to start on the 31th of January 2017 and will terminate on the 31st of March 2019.
Please send oyur most recent CV to
Barbara.braun [at]
Thank you