Kenya rural development programme

The Kenya rural development programme (KRDP) is a sector-wide programme which will complement andintegrate into other actions financed by government and development partners within the framework of ASDS. The government identified 5 priorities in their agriculture sector development strategy. KRDP will provide somesupport to 2 out of the 5 priorities and will contribute to the strengthening of the overall coordination structure ofthe sector. The technical assistance is expected to support capacity development and institutional change within 2 key institutions: i) within Ministry of Agriculture — to develop the capacity to disseminate and upscale research results producedat KARI and elsewhere and to support liaison between KARI and extension services and private sectororganisations; ii) within the Ministry for Northern Kenya and other Arid Lands (MDNKOAL) — to support the creation of thedrought contingency fund and the drought management authority and the capacity of the ministry to fulfil itscritical role of coordination of ASAL development among the various stakeholders
Qualifications and Skills: Masters Degree or a level of education that corresponds to completed university studies of at least 4 years attested by a diploma in one or more of the following or other related fields; Agriculture, Natural Resources Management, Economics, Rural development. Good reporting, interpersonal and communication skills is essential. General professional Experience At least 10 years professional experience in tropical areas, in the fields of Rural development, Natural Resources Management, Economy in Rural Areas, Agriculture, Food security or directly related fields is necessary. At least 5 years experience in advisory positions to government bodies. Proven capacity to work in genuine partnership with national staff. Specific professional experience   In-depth knowledge of Arid Lands issues. Proven experience in drought management in developing countries Demonstrate capacities to work at institutional level on capacity building Proven experience of working in a team demonstrating professional facilitation, mentoring and advisory skills. Familiar with the project development cycle and field operations. Working expertise of Kenya and its arid districts would be an advantage Fully conversant with and proven practical experience in implementation of EU administrative and financial regulations is necessary.
Start / Duration: 
The intended commencement date will be end of June 2012 and the period of execution of the contract will be 48 months from this date.
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