The purpose of the project is to improve the access of Egyptian MSMEs to needs-based financing to enable them to increase and safeguard employment and income. This is to contribute to the improvement of the conditions for sustainable economic growth and employment in Egypt.
The objective of this new assignment is to support the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Agency (MSMEDA) of Egypt and the project and its components in their further preparation and the complete implementation process of this project and contribute to build up an integrated environment for the promotion of MSME and innovation.
Required Expertise and Qualifications:
The following are the anticipated competencies:
- Team Leader with very solid experience in development banking to promote MSME (strong intercultural team management skills, time management, result-orientation)
- Specialist(s) for lending policies and procedures, in particular for microfinance, SME, innovative firms and processes, and for screening and disbursing of direct and indirect loans within the financing window of start-up and innovation finance (particular focus on innovation)
- Specialist(s) for insurance facilities for MSME
- Specialist(s) for incentive schemes for MSME
- Capacity development specialist(s)
- IT specialist(s) for online service / lending platform to accompany IT Departments
- Specialist(s) for risk management
- Specialist(s) for Environmental and Social Management Systems
- Specialist(s) for the implementation of MIS and M&E systems, in particular for diverse partner financial channels in line with KfW’s Sustainability Guidelines
- Communication specialist(s) for analogue and digital communication
- Dedicated backstopping staff with Arabic language skills and regional MENA / Egypt experience
- Procurement experts for national and potentially international tenders to support MSMEDA in line with KfW Procurement Guidelines
4 years
Submit your latest CV here. Please indicate the position you are applying for in your CV. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.