Asia (excl. CIS)

Vietnam_Component 1: Strengthen Capacity of Institutions to Serve WSMEs (

The consultants will work with 6 institutions: State Bank of Vietnam (SBV), 4 financial institutions, and 1 non-financial institution to strengthen their operations to better serve WSMEs. ADB will select the participating institutions.

For SBV, the objective is to establish a system for capturing and reporting data on WSMEs. The work will be divided into 3 phases:

Vietnam_Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative Vietnam Access to Finance and Environment (Promoting Transformative Gender Equality Agenda in Asia and the Pacific)

The consultants will work with 6 institutions: State Bank of Vietnam (SBV), 4 financial institutions, and 1 non-financial institution to strengthen their operations to better serve WSMEs. ADB will select the participating institutions.

Sri Lanka_Enhancing Rural Micro and Small-Sized Enterprises Finance

MSME finance policy experts (one international, 2 person-months, intermittent; one national, 6 person-months, intermittent).

The main role of the MSME finance policy experts is to draft a white paper evaluating the effectiveness of government MSME support program, including interest subsidies, credit guarantees, and refinancing facilities with an emphasis on those programs’ impact on women borrowers. The MSME finance policy experts will be responsible for carrying out the following tasks to ensure comprehensiveness of the evaluation within limited resources:

China_Deutsch-Chinesischer Ackerbau und Landtechnik-Demonstrationspark (DCALDP)

Der Agrarsektor Chinas hat sich seit den Reformen Ende der 1970er Jahre stark verändert. Die größten Herausforderungen der Agrarpolitik liegen derzeit in den Bereichen Umweltschutz und Nachhaltigkeit. Die „nachhaltige Modernisierung“ der chinesischen Landwirtschaft ist auch ein wichtiges Element zur Sicherung der Ernährung.

Green Innovation Centres for the Agriculture and Food Sector: India

The “Global Programme Innovation Centres for the Agriculture and Food Sector, India” is part of the special initiative “A World Without Hunger”, which aims to pro-mote modernization and professionalization of the agri-food industry in 13 countries, amongst them India. In India, the national agriculture and food industry cannot take advantage of the existing huge market potential due to technical and organizational obstacles.


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