Since 2021, GOPA AFC has been supporting the GIZ in the capacity development of agribusiness SMEs in Ghana, in the context of the project Sustainable Employment through Agribusiness (AgriBiz), aiming at increased competitiveness and creation of jobs, with special focus on SMEs run by women and youth. In this context, the SME Business Training & Coaching Loop (SME Loop) is one of the approaches that is being used. By combining business training and individual coaching, the SME Loop supports various growth paths of SMEs. Thereby, the support is customized to suit the needs and requirements of the individual enterprises. The SME Loop is suitable for formal and informal enterprises, literate and illiterate business owners and covers all sectors of the local economy. Thus, productive employment opportunities are created, in particular for young people in rural areas. So far, over 400 agribusiness SMEs have successfully finished the Loop, which is currently operating for the third time.
Meet some of the SMEs that benefitted:
Elasiem Enterprise
Elasiem Enterprise is a processor of groundnut paste, groundnut snacks, and shea butter for the local market in Bolgatanga and for markets in big cities like Accra who need their essentials source from the production origin.
Elsie Azalekumah is the Business owner and one of the industrious female enterprises in the SME Business and coaching loop. As an entrepreneur, she doubles as a peace campaigner in the Upper East region. “As you can see now, I am really busy with orders, thank you for the practical trainings on digital marketing and, record keeping I am doing things better and making new orders for my clients in Accra.”
Gari Boutique
Sandra Amewolarh, CEO, and founder of Gari Boutique found the trainings really helpful. “The training and coaching really boosted my confidence in my products”- she said. She started the business just to make an extra income but during the training her business was used as a case study to develop a business model canvas, this helped her to visualize and evaluate her business well and has made considerable improvements to her business. Gari Boutique produces and sells variety gari products specially made to improve one’s health.
Joya Coconut
Joya coconut is into the processing and sale of coconut products such as coconut water, coconut chips, coconut milk and coconut oil. “The practical group exercise on bead making during the training was very beneficial - when I applied the same principle to my business, it has helped me cut down on my own production cost by 45%.”- says Joyce, owner of Joya Coconut
She also noted major improvements in her record keeping and better management of her finances after the training.
MB Foods
“I am doing business like everybody else doing business, but the trainings brought to light a lot of flaws – the training is the best decision I have ever made in my business; now I am able to work business and not only think business.“ – Esther Kyerewaa, CEO of MB Foods and a 2017 Ghana’s Most Beautiful finalist. Esther runs a small spice processing business in La Paz – a suburb of Accra. She is one of the many resilient women entrepreneurs changing the story of MSME resilience in Ghana.
Fire Poultry Farms
Fire poultry farms is a producer of poultry eggs for the market in Cape Coast. The company has about 1,300 birds and produces on average 18 crates of eggs per day, sorted into different sizes and sold at different price regimes. The company battled with issues of theft, employee management, no record keeping and overall poor financial management.
“Those times, every money I get in the business, I thought it was my own money and so I use it as I wish, and as a result of not keeping records I had a lot of theft cases, but after your trainings and coaching, I record every money and I am able to detect when I am losing money. Thank you for the training and for helping me improve my business“ says Emmanuela Segbefia, the business owner .