Sierra Leone is one of the least developed countries in the world. The Human Development Index 2019 assigns Sierra Leone the rank 181 out of 189 countries. Although poverty is decreasing, it remains very high at 52 % (2018), with more than 10 % even in of extreme poverty.
Sierra Leone's socioeconomic development depends to a great extent on improving the country's human capital and a more dynamic private sector. Therefore, effective job creation must strengthen both the supply side (technical and vocational training) and the demand side (private sector development) of employment promotion. However, dynamic growth of enterprises is currently hardly taking place and the demand for jobs and employment is lagging behind the requirements for sustainable development of the country.
The project is aimed at young people, particularly poor young people in the rural eastern districts of Kailahun, Kono, Falaba and Koinadugu. The total number of young people in these districts amounts to about 560,000. The core problem is the low supply-side and demand-side employability of young people. Sierra Leone's socioeconomic development depends to a great extent on improving the country's human capital and a more dynamic private sector. Therefore, effective job creation must strengthen both the supply side (technical and vocational training) and the demand side (private sector development) of employment promotion. However, dynamic growth of enterprises is currently hardly taking place and the demand for jobs and employment is lagging behind the requirements for sustainable development of the country. Overall, the mismatch between labor demand and skill supply prevents companies from increasing their productivity and undermines efforts to create jobs. Accordingly, improving youth employment with the two variables of economic development and the quality of education remains a central challenge.
For this projects we are looking for local experts for the regions of Kailahun, Kono, Falaba and Koinadugu with the following qualifications
- University degree (Bachelor) / Diploma in sector-relevant subjects such as business administration or management such as business management, statistics, sociology or administration
- At least 2 years professional experience in Training and further education of trainers
Please upload your most recent CV here
Please be infromed that onyl shortlisted experts will be contacted