The livelihood of a large part of the world's population directly depends on access to land and its secure long-term use. According to estimates by the UN-World Food Programme, the members of small farming families make up half of the 795 million people suffering hunger in 2015. Many landowners and land users have only informal or traditional tenure rights, which are often not sufficiently recognised. Representative household surveys conducted by the World Bank in six African countries have shown that less than 20 % of small farmers are able to present a document identifying them as owners of their land.
Commercial investments in agriculture and forestry are increasingly exerting pressure on land as a resource. Due to a lack of safeguarding measures, these investments can lead to loss of access to land, conflicts and forced evictions, thereby restricting and preventing inclusive and sustainable development pathways. Many countries have committed themselves to good land governance, but there are still considerable challenges for its implementation. The rural population is highly dependent on political decision-makers and formal and informal power structures. Corruption in land transactions remains very high.
The overall objective of the Action is to contribute to „increased agricultural productivity and development in Ethiopia, Lao P.D.R. and Uganda.”
The specific objective of the Action is that “investments in land are productive, contribute to sustainable land management, and respect the rights and needs of local populations in particular vulnerable groups and women.”
Tasks of the expert:
- Ensures conceptual coordination with implementing partners and across the country packages;
- Ensures harmonization with GIZ procedures, oversees reporting and coordination with GIZ administration;
- Support of strategic synergies with the EU Land Governance Programme and other relevant international development partners as well as the international discourse on responsible land governance, responsible for communication and closure activities.
Conceptual development and knowledge management
· Strong experience in the conceptual design and development of guidelines and other advisory products for the target groups of this project (government authorities, firms, local communities);
· Strong experience in the conceptual design and development of digital solutions to address the outputs and objectives outlined in this TOR;
· Strong experience in the conceptual design, development and application of state-of the art communication and knowledge products;
· Knowledge of local language where applicable and needed
Capacity development, training and advisory expertise
· Strong experience in advising national and international private sector companies on responsible investments in the field of agriculture (or other sectors)
· Strong experience in the conceptual design and development of training materials and training designs as well as the implementation and conduct of trainings, awareness raising or similar activities to address the needs of the target groups addressed in this TOR
· Strong experience in the conceptual design, development and conduct of advisory work especially in sensitive contexts to address and support government representatives as well as local communities and their representatives
· Strong experience working in the respective country context with a proven track record of networking with local actors and representatives of civil society, government and the private sector
Foreseen Starting date: 01.11.2019 End date: 31.07.2023 Project Duration: 3.75 years (45 months)
Please apply here with and select the indication Uganda, Ethiopia and Laos through the EU-BMZ co-financed project “Responsible Governance of Investment in Land (RGIL)”