Timor-Leste's economy depends on its natural resources. High population growth (3.2 %) is accompanied by high poverty rates in rural areas, where more than 70 % of the population live. Socially vulnerable groups - such as young people, women and parts of the rural population (marginalised groups) - are particularly affected by poverty and high unemployment. The livelihoods of many people are still based on subsistence farming by small farmers. Harvest yields are low and periods of food shortages and malnutrition regularly occur. The effects of climate change (increased drought and high intensity irregular rainfall) exacerbate this situation.
The objective of the project is to provide better employment opportunities in the agroforestry systems for marginalised groups of Timor-Leste. The TC project focuses on the four eastern districts of Region 1 designated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries: Manatuto, Baucau, Viqueque and Lautem.
Services provided
Field of action 1 - Improving agroforestry systems - aims to increase the production and productivity of agroforestry systems through the combined use of tree and agricultural crops.
- Participatory and conflict-sensitive land use planning;
- Organisation of Farmer Field Schools for agroforestry qualification;
- Promotion of the valorisation of agroforestry areas
In field of action 2 - capacity development - the training and advisory capacities of agricultural advisory services, agricultural technical schools and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) involved in agricultural forestry production methods and conflict management will be strengthened.
- Qualification of advisory staff;
- Development and monitoring of agroforestry demonstration trials;
- Training of smallholder groups in good agricultural practices,
- Impact-oriented monitoring
Field of action 3 - Improving market access for small farmers - supports the establishment of viable marketing structures for agroforestry products from agriculture, horticulture and timber production as part of the promotion of value chains.
- Promotion of vertical cooperation along agroforestry value chains (WSK), including advising small farmers' groups on the development and implementation of agroforestry business models;
- Consulting of actors in product marketing.