On behalf of GIZ, AFC in cooperation with its strategic partner ADG, is currently implementing component C within the rural development project ProDRA. This component is aiming at improving value chain actors’ access to agricultural financial services via technical assistance on both the demand and supply side.
During two weeks in February 2018, ADG has trained 4 project team members in providing training on financial literacy for members of pineapple and cashew cooperatives. After developing the financial literacy training contents and material together, a short training of trainers was carried out in a classroom session. Following this, a one-week on-the-job training was carried out, during which already roughly 120 cashew and pineapple farmers were reached. With new and more varying methods, the financial literacy training has moved away from a classroom-style teaching to a more participative approach. The team is now ready and set to reach 3000 farmers with their financial literacy training during the coming months and thus fulfil one more of the indicators of our project.
For further information please contact: jakob.lutz [at] afci.de