The Project aims to Improve food security in the DPRK by Linking Relief to Rehabilitation and Development (LRRD), and to provide support to DG DEVCO services in order to improve the effectiveness of the EC intervention.
Activities include
- Define information flows, monitoring plans and reporting requirements
- Organise and supervise data collection and transmission between EUPS, DEVCO, and the Food Security Office (FSO)
- Provide technical advice to EUPS partners and beneficiaries on project implementation according to Food Security Thematic Programme (FSTP) principles
- Provide support to the identification and planning of new projects
- Carry out regular field trips for assessing the condition and utilisation of agricultural machinery
- Provide technical advice to EUPS partners and beneficiaries on use, maintenance and repair of agricultural machinery
- Assess training needs of beneficiaries and prepare training plan, curricula, training materials
- Prepare and deliver training courses to program partners
- Deliver individual follow-up mentoring to staff from the Korea-Europe Cooperation Coordination Agency (KECCA) and to other beneficiaries
- Collect and analyse information on agriculture and food security practices
- Participate actively in thematic working groups
- Act as focal point for DPRK counterparts for the provision of technical in formation
- Assess requirements of DPRK stakeholders for agricultural input supply
- Study available products and technologies on the international market
- Prepare supply distribution lists
- Provide technical support to DEVCO during the tender process
- Facilitate arrival, assembly and hand-over of supplies