From February until December 2010 AFC Consultants International on behalf of GIZ, Deutsche Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit (German Agency for International Cooperation) supported the Economic and Employment Promotion Project with regard to the promotion of organic farming in Serbia. The objective of this assignment was to deliver basic modules and incentives for a complementary setting-up of primary production, processing and trade, market penetration, research, (further-) education and public relations in organic agriculture.
Main results are:
Markets for organic products have been supported and enhanced.
Partnerships between Universities in Germany and Serbia have been established and the topic “organic agriculture” is introduced in the academic education.
Agriculture extension services offer qualified advisory on organic production.
A national association on organic farming is working sustainable.
Based on an Industry Study as well as Sector Study that have been produced in the frame of the project, GIZ has published the brochure “Organic Agriculture in Serbia – At a Glance”. This brochure provides a brought overview of the Organic Sector in Serbia, its players and marketing opportunities, but also informs about the political approach, relevant EU standards as well as future trends.
For further information please contact: petra.heinen [at] afci.de