Asia (excl. CIS)

Team Leader Restoration of Peace, Livelihoods and Economic Cycles in Anbar (RePLECA)

Agriculture was the main provider of jobs and livelihoods for Anbar’s rural and semi-rural population. The occupation and the fight against IS have led to widespread destruction of infrastructure and large-scale internal population displacement. The productive and social infrastructure in rural, semi-urban and urban areas has been severely damaged or destroyed, and, for a large part of the population, important prerequisites for peaceful social coexistence, livelihoods and income generation are not met.

Promotion of the Microfinance Sector in Yemen

A devastating civil war is being waged in Yemen, the poorest country in the Arab world along with Sudan. In 2014, the conflicts between Houthi rebels from the north and the interim government escalated. Since that time, Houthi rebels have gained control of most of Yemen’s populated area. A coalition led by Saudi Arabia is fighting the Houthi rebels. Acts of war have destroyed large swaths of infrastructure; there are frequently civilian casualties. In many places, the state is not capable of acting.

German-Chinese Crop Production and Agrotechnology Demonstration Park, Phase II


The project is designed as a Public Private Partnership (PPP) project and is funded under the BMEL Bilateral Economic Partnership Programme. Partners are the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Manufacturers of agricultural machinery and inputs (private business partners) and the Jiangsu Provincial Agricultural Reclamation and Development Corporation (SKIAD) - Huanghai Branch.

General goals

Team Leader Green Innovation Centers for the agriculture and food sector Vietnam

GIZ is tendering under the Vietnam country package (GIC) of the global project "Green Innovation Centres in the Agricultural and Food Sector" of the BMZ special initiative "ONE WORLD without Hunger an assignment titled ‘Support to Mekong Delta rice cooperative’s business capacities’ and covering the six central provinces of the Mekong Delta, the so called “core rice belt”.

Entrepreneurship program for start-up and MSME in the agribusiness sector of Irak

The project comprises of two Modules which are Macro Economic Policy Consulting and Labour Market Interventions. The latter is tasked with Skills Development and Job Placement, Inclusion and Integration for Job Market Re-entry and SME development support, innovation and cooperation with the international private sector.

Climate Risk Management IT expert-ICT Platform for Climate Risk Management in Agribusiness Value Chains

Cambodia’s agricultural sector is the most vulnerable sector to impacts of climate change, which are manifested in the form of increased temperatures, high variability of precipitation patterns, frequent droughts, floods, and increased salinity intrusion, especially in coastal areas.

Climate Smart Agriculture Expert-ICT Platform for Climate Risk Management in Agribusiness Value Chains

Cambodia’s agricultural sector is the most vulnerable sector to impacts of climate change, which are manifested in the form of increased temperatures, high variability of precipitation patterns, frequent droughts, floods, and increased salinity intrusion, especially in coastal areas.


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