Northern Rural Infrastructure Development Sector Project - Lot C

The Agricultural Extension Specialist, based at NAFES, will work closely with NAFES central and provincial staff in strengthening the management of agricultural extension services under the Programme.  He will be responsible for the following activities: Working with NAFES, and in line with the planned decentralising of planning, budgeting and monitoring mechanisms to district/kumban level, agree planning and budgeting responsibilities and schedules for the Programme Similarly, assist with establishing the M&E responsibilities, procedures, schedules, forms etc. at district/kumban level Together with Provincial and District Finance Heads and Finance Officers, agree accounting responsibilities, standards, forms, etc. Carry out appropriate training courses on extension planning and management at provincial and district level to PAFO, DAFO and Kumban staff
MSc (pref PhD) in rural development, agricultural economics At least 10 years experience implementing agricultural extension services including training and capacity building projects/programmes
If you are interested in a co-operation, please send your current CV to the following e-mail address, quoting the project title in the reference: Ms Barbara Braun Barbara.Braun [at] Thank you! Only candidates under serious consideration and contacted will receive notification of the final outcome of the selection process.