Strengthening Team Bonds in the Netherlands: A Visit to MetaMeta


From September 2-3, the entire GOPA AFC team in Bonn traveled to our subsidiary MetaMeta, a fellow member of the GOPA Consulting Group, located in Wageningen, Netherlands. Colleagues from various parts of the world, including Ghana, Ukraine, Spain, and Uganda, joined us for this valuable experience.

MetaMeta, a specialist in climate and water, became a full subsidiary of GOPA AFC on March 4, 2024. This strategic collaboration has enhanced our expertise in water management for sustainable food systems, expanded opportunities in irrigation and finance projects, and increased our visibility in the climate sector.

Our visit began with engaging discussions and a pleasant lunch at the MetaMeta office. Following this, we toured the Stuwcomplex Amerongen, a hydraulic engineering facility. The site includes a lock, water leveling weirs, and a hydroelectric power station, all explained in detail by Simon Chevalking from MetaMeta.

After the technical tour, our MetaMeta colleague Femke van Woesik led us on a scenic walk around the Nederrijn. The walk included crossing the river by ferry and visiting the charming Castle Duurstede. In the evening, we gathered for a dinner in Wageningen and had some great conversations that extended late into the night.  

The next morning, we attended a presentation by Anthony Verschoor from Wageningen University & Research, who is the Programme Lead for Food and Water Security, and a presentation by Clark Halpern on his research on circular food systems. Anthony‘s talk highlighted the critical intersection of food security and water management, focusing on challenges like the depletion of freshwater resources, climate change, and soil degradation. He also discussed the need for sustainable food systems and the importance of integrating knowledge from various disciplines.

Post-presentation, we visited the World Soil Museum at Wageningen University, where we explored soil profiles from over 90 countries. The museum's unique global collection provided valuable insights into the diversity and significance of soil types worldwide. Our visit concluded with a guided tour of the Wageningen University campus, followed by a final joint lunch, where we shared our thoughts on the visit and said our farewells before heading back to Bonn.

The two days in the Netherlands were educational and greatly strengthened the sense of camaraderie among our team. Our managing director, Johannes Buschmeier, aptly captured the sentiment: "Even though we've only been a joint company for half a year, it feels like we've been together much longer because our teams have bonded so quickly".

This excursion has laid a strong foundation for future collaborations and personal connections. We look forward to more joint ventures and friendly exchanges that will continue to strengthen our collective mission and vision.