We are proud and happy to announce that AFC is a certified climate-neutral company since mid-May 2021. Together with ClimatePartner, who accompanied us on our way to calculate AFC’S Corporate Climate Footprint, a total of ca. 180 t CO2 were balanced and compensated for the year 2020.
All emissions stemming from our headquarter activities such as: flights (ca. 80 t), mobility (commuting, train rides) (ca. 44 t), home office (ca. 28 t), electricity/heating/cooling etc. (ca.28 t) were calculated and compensated.
The Gold Standard project, “Clean cookstoves, Nyungwe, Rwanda” was chosen as compensation project.
The project introduces efficient cooking stoves made of local clay and sand. The so-called Canarumwe model is produced by a local cooperative and consumes two thirds less fuel than the three-stone fire. The stoves are offered at a subsidized price so that low-income households can afford them. Here you will find more information about it!
The challenge remains to further avoid and reduce emissions wherever possible in order to attain the goal of further reducing or corporating carbon footprint. AFC is working on it!
For further questions, please, turn to Stefanie.maak [at] afci.de