10th Financial Expert Day (January 8-9, 2018) - “Developing Tools and Digital Solutions for Agricultural Finance”


For the 10th time, AFC Agriculture and Finance Consultants and ADG International jointly organized the Financial Expert Day (FED) at Montabaur castle, the headquarters of ADG, on January 8-9, 2018. Reflecting the synergies of the agri-business and financial sector development teams at AFC and the strategic partnership with ADG as a training institute for financial institutions, the topic of this years’ FED “Developing Tools and Digital Solutions for Agricultural Finance Projects” reflects the importance of the two segments and the necessity of effective knowledge management.

Jointly with AFC’s financial sector and ADG in-house staff, long-term experts from ongoing projects in the field of agricultural finance and digital finance, associated consultants and strategic partners had a unique opportunity to exchange best practices and knowledge on agricultural finance and digital solutions.

The fact that almost 30 participants from all over the world joined this year’s FED emphasizes the high interest in the topic and appreciation of such an annual event.

Given the high priority of the topic of agricultural finance in AFC’s projects, the FED focused on sharing experience and lessons learnt in terms of:

  1. mitigating risks in agricultural finance,
  2. broadening outreach in agricultural finance sector with a focus on digital solutions and
  3. broadening the range of agricultural finance products.

Based on the existing experience and agri-finance tools developed and used in our projects, the focus was set on the development of a specific tool box for solutions in agricultural finance that aims at enhancing financial institutions in approaching the topic. Specific agri-finance tools such as mobile money solutions, excel-based scoring sheets, as well as suitable products (e.g. agricultural insurance products) were presented and their applicability and best practices were shared. Lively discussions and group works resulted in a workable and practical prototype to further develop and expand our agri-finance toolbox.


We would like to thank all participants for their valuable inputs at this years’ FED and we are looking forward to our joint collaboration in 2018!