AFC Consultants International implements the EU Food Security Office in DPR Korea since January 2013, a project, which aims at increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the Food Security assistance provided by the EC. In addition the Food Security Office seeks to further support the technical dialogue and knowledge transfer with Korean authorities. In the frame of this dialogue the FSO organized an exchange visit between November 12th and 20th 2015, during which a delegation of North Korean officials visited Germany and Belgium. The visit gave the opportunity to learn and exchange about modern agriculture production and food processing methods and important nutritional aspects of food intake. The visit ended with a one-day exchange seminar in Brussels, gathering different technical and geographical EU units, international organisations currently active in DPRK and DPRK officials to discuss past and future cooperation. The visit can be seen as successful example of an ongoing dialogue enhancing food security in DPRK.
For further information please contact Petra Heinen-Manz, petra.heinen [at] afci.de