Ningxia Dryland Farming and Water Conservation Demonstration Project

The consultants should both have graduate degree in a social science (anthropology, sociology, or other relevant academic qualification). Extensive experience in social assessment, poverty analysis, and gender analysis is essential, as is familiarity with qualitative and quantitative methodology. Experience in designing resettlement plans and ethnic minority development plans (EMDPs) and/or indigenous peoples’ plans for ADB- or World Bank-financed projects in the PRC is necessary. The consultants should have good knowledge on rural poverty and rural–urban inequality issues in the PRC, including poverty trends, geographical and/or regional distribution of the poor, and characteristics of typical poor households in the rural PRC. Knowledge of the Chinese language will be an asset.
The consultants will based on the initial poverty and social analysis, (a) conduct a full poverty, social, and gender analysis following ADB’s relevant guidelines; (b) assess how the proposed project may help improve people’s livelihood; and (c) quantify how the project will improve benefits for local people. The analysis will estimate the number of project beneficiaries by ethnicity and income level (poor, medium, and high); prepare for and assist the executing agency in collecting primary and secondary data for social assessment, including poverty data, gender data, ethnic composition, and others; identify beneficiaries and communities to be affected by the project; and prepare assessment of the social dimensions of the project following ADB guidelines. Based hereon, prepare a social analysis report containing socioeconomic and poverty profiles for the project area, and other data and information relevant for project preparation and implementation. Data should be analyzed and disaggregated by sex, ethnic group, town, and urban versus rural setting; review, assess, and bring up to standard and best practices the social analyses, resettlement plan, and EMDPs prepared; and assist in the preparation of them to ensure that the EMDPs and the resettlement plan are following ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) and other applicable regulations and laws; and prepare and conduct or overview preparation and implementation of any surveys and data collection needed to update and improve the EMDPs, social analyses, resettlement plan, and other documents and reports, as necessary; in coordination with other relevant PPTA team members, prepare a social action plan containing mitigation and enhancement measures; prepare a gender action plan, gender targets for the DMF, and other requirements for the effective gender mainstreaming project category specified in the Guidelines for Gender Mainstreaming Categories of ADB Projects (February 2010); assist in developing the DMF through participatory approach, particularly on identifying proper social indicators for the DMF; assess the different coping and adaptation strategies of peoples when project strategies and activities will require them to change specific behavior and attitude toward managing and utilizing water resources; and provide adequate coverage for investigations and consultations with farmers, including ethnic minorities, in relation to potential impacts and/or possible enhancement of project benefits; and recommend a participation and communication strategy for continuing consultation process during project implementation; and undertake other relevant tasks as assigned.
If you are interested to cooperate with AFC Consultants International in China please send you most recent CV to  Barbara.Braun [at] Thank you